*Love again*

I can see it in your eyes,
No more tears, no alibis,
I'm still in love with you,
There's so much I gotta show,
I will never let you go,
But still I know for sure,
Come take me by the hand,
This summer never ends,

And I want to know that you believe in love again,
Please tell me now it's not the end,
'Cause this I promise you so true,
The summer belongs to you,
Could you believe in love again?
How can I make you understand?
But this I promise you so true,
The summer belongs to you.

Never is too late for say : I love you too*.

what time is it?

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Oedipus Tebas King and Oedipus complex

Oedipus is the mythical king of Thebes, son of Layo and Jocasta, which killed unknowingly to his own father and dispossess his mother. At birth Oedipus, the oracle portend his father what would happen, and Layo, wanting to avoid the fate sent him kill newborn. Mercy on him, his executioner rather than kill it abandoned in a bush. A shepherd found the baby and handed him over to the kings of Corinth who were responsible for their upbringing. When Oedipus reached adolescence began to suspect that their son was not intended parents. To leave doubts consulted the oracle to predict that he would kill his father and mother to his dismissal. Oedipus, believing that their parents were those who had grown up, decided to flee away at their destination. Entrepreneur and a trip on the way to Thebes is at a crossroads with Layo, discussed with him by the preference of way and what kills without knowing who was the king of Thebes and his real father. After passing a test very difficult, Oedipus is named king and marries the widow of Layo, Jocasta, his true mother. Find out later that is the son of Jocasta and Layo. On hearing that Jocasta has been married to his own son commits suicide and Oedipus is removed eyes with pins of their clothing, leaving the throne and flees.

The legend inspired Sigmund Freud's theory of the Oedipus complex. That raises the idea that complex during the phallic stage (from three to six years or so) of child development, it begins to feel pre-sexual attraction towards the parent of the opposite sex. The child begins to feel attracted by the mother and father and hate that this is the mother. But a sense of guilt develops as the child knows that it is wrong to hate the father. This conflict is resolved through the identification, where the child adopts characteristics of the father. The Oedipus complex plays a key role in structuring the personality and orientation of human desire. Freud says that this trend is universal and independent of culture and family organization. Every human being has therefore imposed the task of dominating the Oedipus complex. The emotional development of this complex is achieved when men surrender to the mother because it accepts that the father, and when the woman's father because resignation is accepted that the mother and is second with varying degrees of success with the election of a particular type of partner outside the family triangle.

Apol·lo's temple (Delfos,Greece)

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